Welcome to the St. Joseph School Health Aide Office
St. Joseph School follows the standards and procedures set forth by Bristol/Burlington Board of Health. A full-time health aide is provided by Bristol/Burlington Board of Health and is on duty each day to provide primary first-aid services, to facilitate emergency health care arrangements, to maintain student health records and to notify parents or guardians when a student is too ill to remain in school.
Please do not send your child to school if he/she is not feeling well upon waking in the morning. Doing so can contribute to the spread of disease, putting your child and his/her classmates at risk.
Any medication that a child may need during school hours must be handed in to the Health Aide by the parent or guardian with written doctor permission. Medication should be in a new, unopened container unless otherwise specified by the Health Aide. Medications will need to be signed out by a parent or guardian on the last day of school.
Any student requiring an in-school Health Plan will be required to attend a meeting with representation from Bristol/Burlington Board of Health and school administration.