Tuition Assistance:
Tuition assistance is available to families in need through St. Joseph School via the FACTS financial aid application. SJS families are also able to apply for scholarships through the Main Street Foundation. Limited funds are available each year so families are not guaranteed the same amount from year to year. Use the links below to learn more about applying for these two financial aid opportunities.
St. Joseph School Financial Aid
Main Street Foundation
Tuition Payment Options:
- Pay in full by cash or check in the Main Office by July 1st.
- FACTS Tuition:
- Pay in full through FACTS via ACH payment.
- 3 annual payments via ACH payment.
- 10 annual payments via ACH payment.
- 12 annual payments via ACH payment.
Please call or email the school today for the most current tuition information.
Overview of Annual Fees and Assessments:
- $120 per student Commitment Fee to be applied to tuition
- $250 Parish Assessment Fee paid by Family’s Parish (if applicable, otherwise fee is billed to family)
Home & School Fundraising Fees (may be included in Blackbaud (formerly SMART) tuition payments through the Buy-Out option) :
- $300 from Fundraising or Scrip Profit*
- $250 from Raffle
- Total = $550
*see Home and School Handbook for information on fundraising surplus and tuition credits.