Application Process

The enrollment procedures of St. Joseph School reflect the overall Mission by welcoming all students and families to receive the highest quality of spiritual and academic education.  As stated in the Student/Family Handbook, “Saint Joseph School admits qualified students of any race, creed, color or nationality to all programs, activities, rights, and privileges that are offered…”  St. Joseph School strives to meet the needs of all students according to the Mission Statement.  The school does not turn away a child unless it is clear that the school’s resources would not support the specific, individual needs of that child.  These is no enrollment restriction or priority given to specific creeds or parishes at St. Joseph School.

If a family is interested in St. Joseph School, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Call the Main Office at (860)582-8696 to schedule a tour and interview with the Principal.  Families should bring previous school records (if applicable) and any other important information or educational documents to this meeting.
  2. After a tour of the school and interview, families will be asked to schedule a Shadow Day for their student(s) if age appropriate.  During this Shadow Day, placement assessments may take place in order to ensure proper placement.
  3. After the Shadow Day and review of interview, educational, and assessment information, admission will be determined and a placement meeting will be scheduled with the Principal to review and finalize all necessary transitional information.
  4. Enrollment (and re-enrollment for returning families) will be completed online via FACTS Enrollment Packets.  Emails will be sent to families to begin this process once accepted.

Students entering the Pre-K programs must meet appropriate requirements and follow a slightly altered screening process with the Pre-K staff and school administration.

Pre K Requirements

  • Pre-K 3 students must turn 3 by September 1st of the year school begins.
  • Pre-K 4 students must turn 4 by September 1st of the year school begins.
  • All Pre-K 3 & 4 students must be fully potty trained.

New Pre-K & K students will be asked to schedule appropriate assessment and observation times as necessary.

Program orientations for Pre-K 3 through Kindergarten are held during the summer months.


Tuition Information