"A prayer shawl is prayer for the shawl maker.  It's a spiritual practice.  The shawls are made in  prayer, given as prayer, received as a prayer, and hopefully worn in that spirit." (Janet Bristow - Co Founder of St. Joseph's Prayer Shawl Ministry)

Q: Where did the ministry originate?

A: Janet Bristow and Vicky Galo started the Prayer Shawl Ministry after attending a program at the Women's Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary.

Q: What is the Prayer Shawl Ministry?

A: The ministry invites knitters/crocheters to create Prayer shawls, also called Mantles, Comfort Shawls, Peace Shawls, using very special yarn, for people in need:  A neighbor with cancer, a stranger going through a difficult time, family members who have lost a loved one, parishioners who are homebound and many others.

Knitters/crocheters pray over the shawls before, during and after their creation; there are many prayers available on the web and in publication containing blessings, liturgies and prayers.  Many churches incorporate a time for the blessing of the shawls before they are handed out.

We are very pleased that Our Parish Nurse program, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Bereavement and Homebound Ministry will all be connected in using the prayer shawls that are created in prayer.  The shawls are blessed before they are distributed.

Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 1 - 2:30 pm at the Parish Center.

We personally invite you to become a part of the amazing and worthwhile ministry.  Come and make a difference in the lives of those receiving your creations made through prayer.

For more details, call 860-583-1369.


"When we hold needles and a ball of yarn, we also hold possibility; we can knit ourselves to each other and our wider communities in large and small ways"  (Sojourners magazine, 2007)