Reopening of Sunday Masses

Archbishop Blair, in consultation with State and health officials, announced the second phase of the opening of parishes, July 4-5.  Please take into consideration when evaluating your readiness to attend Mass, that the Archbishop has extended the suspension for the obligation to attend weekend Mass until November 2020.


Reservations will be required due to limited seating capacity (60 people)

Sign up by calling the Parish Office Monday thru Friday 9am - 3pm


We prepared the Guild Hall to accommodate those who show up for Mass, so they can watch the Eucharist and receive Holy Communion if the church reaches its capacity. The Guild Hall will accommodate 40 people.


* Remember to wear your mask

* Bring hand sanitizer

* Keep social distancing

* Follow the usher's directions



Reapertura Misas Dominicales

Las Misas dominicales iniciaron el 4-5 de Julio aunque la dispensa de la obligación para asistir, se mantiene vigente hasta noviembre 2020.


Se requieren reservaciones debido a la capacidad de asientos (60 personas)

Registrate llamando a la oficina de lunes a jueves de 9am - 3pm


Si la iglesia colma su capacidad, hemos preparado el Guild Hall para que mas personas puedan participar de la Eucaristía. Podrán verla en vivo y recibir Santa Comunión.


* Lleve puesto su tapabocas todo el tiempo

* Traiga desinfectante de manos

* Mantenga su distancia

* Siga las indicaciones de los ujieres



9am Monday - Thursday (English)

7pm - Wednesday (Español)

Vigil Mass: 4pm Saturday (English)

8am Sunday (English)

10am Sunday (English)

12pm Sunday (Español)

10am and 12pm Sunday Masses live-streamed on Facebook


Saturday 2:30pm or during the week by appointment

Sabado 2:30 o durante la semana con cita

Baptisms and weddings, please call the office


A Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic


Click here for updates on Coronavirus from:

Welcome Back Procedures for

Mass Attendance

  1. Please call the parish office to reserve your spot for Monday through Thursday Masses.  Anyone that has not reserved a spot may wait outside the church until the usher sees that a spot is available.  All must enter through the front doors of the church.
  2. You must be wearing a mask to enter the church.  Your temperature will then be taken.  If all is well, you must sanitize your hands.
  3. Families may sit together in one pew.  We ask that individuals please restrict seating to two people per pew by sitting at the ends, 6 feet apart.
  4. During the Mass you may respond to all the parts assigned to the people.  However, strong singing has been shown to send droplets further into the air than just speaking, thus causing greater risk of the spread of the virus.  Therefore, singing should be avoided by those in the pews.  There will be no vocal choir singing until further notice.
  5. There will not be a basket passed for the monetary offering for the church.  Instead, there will be collection baskets at the entrance of the church for you to insert your envelope or contribution.
  6. A physical sign of peace will be eliminated from the Mass.  A nod or wave to those nearby is an acceptable form of sign of peace.
  7. When coming to communion, you must adhere to the markings on the floor while waiting your turn to receive.  Stay 6 feet apart from the person in front of  you and keep your mask on.  When you approach the priest, extend your hands to receive the host which will be dropped into your hands and move to the yellow mark on either the right or the left of you.  Once on the side marker, pull your mask down to consume the host and immediately replace your mask and go back to your seat.
  8. At the end of Mass, those in the back of the church are asked to leave first and not congregate in the church.  Others in turn from back to front will then leave allowing 6' between people as you exit.
  9. The bulletin is on the parish website for all to read but there will not be any printed bulletins until further notice.  All books, hymnals, carenotes have been removed from the church as well.  If you would like to follow along on the readings for the Mass, there are many resources to which you can subscribe that print all the readings and prayers for the Catholic Mass.  These resources are listed on this website as well.  Feel free to bring these worship aids with you each week either downloaded on your phone or other device, or the printed copy.
  10. The church will be sanitized after each Mass for your safety.  The bathrooms will not be available for public use and all items that you bring into the church--papers, books, tissues etc--must be removed when you leave.

The Parish Center Chapel is open for personal prayer Monday - Thursday from 8:30am - 4:00pm


Information about the safety measures to prevent spread of the Coronavirus



 March 16, 2020

Dear Parishioners:

In light of current events, I would like to share with you information from the Archdiocese of Hartford.The Archdiocese is trying to follow the directives of Governor Lamont who declared both a “public emergency” and a “civil preparedness emergency” on Tuesday, March 10, 2020.  On Wednesday, March 10, 2020, the World Health Organization officially categorized the coronavirus as a “pandemic”. On March 15th, the CDC issued a directive that all large events and mass gatherings be canceled or postponed.  Governor Lamont issued a mandate on March 16th for the closure of all restaurants, bars, gyms and movie theaters. In the interest of public health, effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the Archdiocese of Hartford has cancelled all weekend and weekday Masses until at least April 3rd

As a result, our parish will observe the following:

  • No weekday or weekend Masses
  • All events and functions have been cancelled
  • Schools have been closed for two weeks – at least until March 31st 
  • All visits to the homebound have been suspended
  • All Religious Ed classes have been cancelled 
  • All Choirs cancelled until further notice
  • All meetings cancelled or postponed
  • No Stations of the Cross on Friday
  • Parish Center Chapel will be open from 9am – 3pm for personal prayer
  • Confessions will still be held on Mondays at 6PM and Saturdays at 2:30PM

I will celebrate the Holy Mass every day for the daily intentions already booked and also for those suffering from the coronavirus.  

For your convenience, Masses will be offered on TV. 

Here is a list of scheduled TV and streaming Masses:

  • ORTV (WB20) & WCTX-TV (My TV 9) 10am – 7 days a week
  • WCCT-TV – 5AM – Saturday and Sunday
  • EWTN – Daily Mass is televised at 12AM, 8AM, 12PM & 7PM
  • SALT & LIGHT TV – Mass at 6:30, 9:30 & 11AM, 3:00 & 10:30PM
  • CATHOLIC TIV – Daily Mass at 9:30am, 12:30PM, 7PM & 11:30PM

To ensure that our worship spaces will be safe, deep cleaning of all buildings is underway. Pray that these precautions will minimize the spread of this Virus in our community and around the world. 

If you need anything, I ask that you contact the parish office or one of the parish staff. Please continue to monitor Facebook or our  for any further information or changes throughout the Archdiocese. 


Fr. Ivan Ramirez - Pastor

16 de marzo del 2020

Queridos Parroquianos:

Debido a los hechos recientes, quiero compartir con ustedes información de la Arquidiócesis de Hartford.  La Arquidiócesis esta tratando de seguir las directivas del Gobernador Lamont, quien declaró una “emergencia pública” y una “emergencia de preparación civil” el martes, 10 de marzo del 2020.  El miércoles, 10 de marzo del 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud categorizó oficialmente el coronavirus como una “pandemia”.  El 15 de marzo, el CDC emitió una directiva de que todos los grandes eventos y las reuniones masivas sean canceladas o pospuestas.  El Gobernador Lamont emitió un mandato el 16 de marzo para el cierre de todos los restaurantes, bares, gimnasios, y teatros de cine.  Teniendo en cuenta el interés de la salud pública, efectivo el 17 de marzo del 2020, la Arquidiócesis de Hartford ha cancelado todas las misas de fin de semana y semanales hasta al menos el 3 de abril.

Como resultado, nuestra parroquia observará las siguientes medidas:

  • No habrá misas entre semana o el fin de semana
  • Todos los eventos y funciones han sido cancelados
  • Las escuelas han sido cerradas por dos semanas - al menos hasta el 31 de marzo
  • Toas las visitas de ministerio en casa han sido suspendidas
  • Todas las clases de Educación Religiosa han sido canceladas
  • Todos los coros quedan cancelados hasta nuevo aviso
  • Todas la reuniones quedan canceladas o pospuestas
  • No habrá Estaciones de la Cruz el viernes
  • La Capilla del Centro Parroquial estará abierta de 9am a 3pm para oración personal
  • Las Confesiones todavía se llevarán a cabo los lunes a las 6pm y los sábados a las 2:30pm

Yo celebraré la Santa Misa todos los días por las intenciones diarias ya reservadas y por todos aquellos que sufren del coronavirus.

Para su conveniencia, se ofrecerán Misas en la televisión.

Aquí la lista de las misas programadas en la televisión y por internet:

  • ORTV (WB20) & WCTX-TV (My TV 9) 10am – 7 dias a la semana
  • WCCT-TV – 5AM – sábado y domingo
  • EWTN – Misa diaria televisada a las 12AM, 8AM, 12PM & 7PM
  • SALT & LIGHT TV – Misas a las 6:30, 9:30 & 11AM, 3:00 & 10:30PM
  • CATHOLIC TIV – Misa diaria a las 9:30am, 12:30PM, 7PM & 11:30PM

Para asegurarnos que nuestros lugares de adoración sean seguros, se está haciendo una limpieza profunda de todos los edificios.  Oremos para que estas precauciones minimicen la propagación del Virus en nuestra comunidad y alrededor de todo el mundo.

Si necesitan algo, les pido por favor contacten la oficina de la parroquia o a uno de nuestros empleados.  Por favor continúen monitoreando el Facebook o nuestra página web: para cualquier información o cambios a través de la Arquidiócesis.


Padre Ivan Ramirez - Pastor